Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday Social

I survived the first week of school (barely). We've signed Em up for dance lessons too.  What is my world coming to?  I don't have babies anymore.  I have kids who go to school and who are involved in things outside of school.  Thank goodness I have my version of a minivan (a Ford Flex, which by the way, is an AMAZING car!!!)

Sunday Social

This week is all about the internet.  The Hubs will hate this post because he thinks I'm too attached to social media and the internet.  He might be right but I'll never admit that ;)

1. What is the first website you log on to each day?  The order changes from day to day so, in no order, it's my personal email, my work email, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram

2. Give us some funny websites you visit that we need to know about.  I don't know of any.  I'm kinda boring like that.

3. Pinterest or Facebook? Why?  If you asked this question 6 months ago it would have been Pinterest, hands down.  I was OBSESSED with it.  Like I'd log in and hours would disappear from my day.  So I stopped logging in.  Now that school is back in session, I'll probably be starting to scour the site since I have to keep up my rep as that cute crafty mom.  But lately I'd say its Facebook.  I have tons of family on there so it's nice to keep up with them.

4. Twitter or Instagram? Why?  Not a fair question.  I love them both!  I didn't think I'd like Twitter as much as I do but I've fallen in love.  It would be even more awesome if I didn't have unlimited text messaging every month.  I've gotten really good at getting out what I want to say in a very small number of words.  And if you follow me on Instagram, you'd know that I post all the time.  I love photography and I love that I can edit pics all in one little arena.  You should come follow me on both!!!  Find me at @lifewithmyloves (shameless plug I know)

5. Favorite YouTube video.  There's 2 I just love.  I cannot say that I found either of them.  This is all because of my brothers.  The first is from Aladdin and is down right hilarious and extremely inappropriate.  The language is horrible so please don't watch it with little kids around. Like I'm laughing right now just thinking about it.  And for some reason, it won't load on here.  Must be a sign.  But if you want to see it, it's Aladdin from Compton.  The second is just so catchy!  I could watch it all day long and the song is already stuck in my head!!!
6. Biggest online pet peeve?  I don't know if I have any right now. I don't enjoy people who try to be someone/something they're not.  I know that I'm not the coolest person and I probably write horribly but this is my space and I'll write how I want!!!

Hope y'all are having a great weekend!!!!



  1. new follower - hope to get a follow back!

  2. High Five for finishing the first week of school :) My use of pinterest comes and goes too - some weeks I am all about pinning and some weeks I dont even pin once! Happy Sunday!

  3. I haven't really gotten into Instagram, but not sure why...I mean I take a million photos on my phone every day anyway! Maybe I'll have to check into it more!
